Online Therapy Sessions

Online Therapy Sessions

Sentier therapists provide online therapy services for clients. Online therapy is sometimes referred to as telehealth, distance counseling, or e-therapy. Online sessions can be a viable alternative or supplement to therapy that occurs in the office. Some people who may benefit from online sessions include:

  • Clients who do not have reliable transportation to the office
  • Clients who live in areas of the state without therapy services nearby
  • Clients who have access issues due to disability
  • Clients who have missed work or school due to illness or inclement weather but want to keep their scheduled session
  • Clients who have busy travel schedules
  • Clients who move away for college and/or go out of town for breaks from college

Sentier therapists are licensed in the state of Minnesota and provide services to residents and students. We use a HIPAA-compliant telehealth service that ensures privacy and security. Online services are billed at the same rate as in-office sessions and Sentier policies apply to all clients.

To schedule, contact our Client Care Coordinator, Ellie, at: [email protected].

Meet our therapists for more information about doing Online Therapy at Sentier.

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