Couples and Marriage Counseling

Our partners can evoke the greatest joy and connection in us, as well as the deepest sadness and anger. This mystery can be hard to understand, especially if the negative seems to outweigh the positive. In couple’s therapy, people work to understand their unique partnership and mystery.

Couple’s counseling is not all theoretical, though. It is actually quite practical. Each couple has unique strengths and challenges which make couple’s therapy different for everyone. The deeper work often involves each partner understanding his or her own family-of-origin influences, as well as their partner’s. Seeing how these early influences play out in their current relationship can aide in understanding people’s “buttons.” Often times, couples will work to better understand those seemingly small issues that elicit big emotional reactions. By knowing each other’s “buttons” and dealing with them in a compassionate way, couples learn to work through a situation rather than get into a fight.

Common issues partners work on in therapy:

  • Communication skills
  • Boundary setting
  • Crisis prevention
  • Intimacy differences
  • LGBTQIA+ specific issues
  • Transition of one partner and resulting sexual changes and challenges
  • Parenting
  • Decision making to support the relationship rather than undermine it
  • Problem-solving skills

Sentier Psychotherapy provides couples/relationship counseling for people who are dating, living together, engaged or thinking about it, and married or partnered. Couples counseling is provided for LGBTQIA+ couples as well as cisgender/heterosexual couples, as our therapist works with couples of all sexual orientations and gender expressions as well as all forms of relationships including monogamous, non-monogamous, polyamorous, and open.

Sentier has one therapist, Vaughn, who currently has relationship counseling openings. To check on length of waiting list for couples counseling, please contact Ellie, our Client Care Coordinator: [email protected] 

Sentier is an out of network clinic. More information about billing and insurance can be found here

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