Families are our passion! Sentier Psychotherapy is a group of therapists in St. Paul, MN who work with all ages of clients. We all write entries and respond to comments that you leave us. We use this blog to share parenting tips, information about family therapy and adolescent/teen counseling, and many other things. Much of this blog is dedicated to teenagers and parenting teenagers because we spend a great deal of time helping teens and families of teens. We typically write about topics that can’t be ignored in our practice. We can’t ignore these topics because many of you come to us to discuss these issues.
Please check back periodically if these topics are of interest to you. We’d love to hear your thoughts about the topics I write about or requests that you might have for our next blog post. Please email me directly if you have a subject area that you would like me to blog about: msigmon[at]sentiertherapy[dot]com
Megan Sigmon-Olsen, M.S.W., LICSW
670 South Cleveland Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55116
General Disclaimer – adapted from American Psychiatric Association’s website:
All information on www.counselingmn.com is copyrighted © by Sentier Psychotherapy. The information contained on this Website is not intended as, and is not, a substitute for professional medical advice. All decisions about clinical care should be made in consultation with your treating therapist, psychologist, counselor. If you need help with a mental health issue, please speak with someone directly. Sentier Psychotherapy is not responsible for any actions or inaction on your part based on the information that is presented on this Website. Use of this Website or any of its Content does not create a therapist‐client relationship with Sentier Psychotherapy or any of its members.
Blog Disclaimer
The information posted on the www.counselingmn.com blog is not intended as, and is not, a substitute for professional medical advice. All decisions about clinical care should be made in consultation with your treating therapist. If you need help with a mental health issue, please visit Sentier Psychotherapy’s resource page.
Comment Disclaimer
The opinions expressed by those providing comments do not reflect the opinions of Sentier Psychotherapy. All comments are reviewed before posting and comments that include profanity or other inappropriate comments or material will not be posted. The comment section is not intended as, and is not, a substitute for professional medical advice. All decisions about clinical care should be made in consultation with your treating therapist. If you need help with a mental health issue, please visit our resource page. Comments will not be posted if people who comment provide too much identifying information.
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Sentier Psychotherapy is not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user of the Website or any other person. With respect to the Website, Sentier Psychotherapy assumes no responsibility for any error, defect, interruption, deletion, delay in operation or transmission, theft, communications line failure, or destruction of data, or any unauthorized access to, or alteration of, any communications. Under no circumstances will Sentier Psychotherapy be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any use of the Website, any content posted on the Website by or transmitted to, or any interactions between, any users of the Website, whether online or offline. Sentier Psychotherapy neither represents, warrants, covenants, guarantees, nor promises any specific results from use of the Website.

Enhancing Your Parenting Toolkit for Adolescence
Navigating the adolescent years can be a challenging and rewarding time for both adolescents and their parents. For adolescents, this is a time of self-discovery